Have you ever seen a woman wearing makeup that you thought made her look like a clown? It sounds horrible to say, but many women have no clue how to put on eye shadow properly. It isn't a big deal unless you really want to dazzle. And what woman do you know that doesn't want to dazzle?
Okay, so let's get going... it's not difficult to learn the proper techniques to applying eye shadow, but it does take some time and a little bit of that extra shadow that you have laying around to practice with. Don't sweat the small stuff - after a little practice and some good makeup tips you'll be applying your eye shadow like the diva that you are.
Luckily, learning how to put on eye shadow the correct way is not difficult. As a matter of fact, it is just a matter of finding the right style and the right technique for you. Don't be frustrated if you don't get it right the first time. Here are a few tips on helping you apply your makeup.
Tips and Tricks to Try at Home to Get the Perfect Look
Start with a base coat, as you would any other type of makeup. Loose powder works wonders for this purpose.
Blend. Blend. Blend. That cannot be stressed nearly enough. You will be surprised at what wonders blending can do for a botched eye shadow job.
If you want a dramatic look, dip the tip of your eye shadow brush in water and then in your shadow. This makes the color deeper, more dramatic.
Choose colors that make the colors of your eyes really stand out. Brown shadow for brown eyes. Blue shadow for blue eyes and yes, green shadow for green eyes. It doesn't have to be clown-bright; subtle shading will do just fine.
Applying a lighter shadow to the inner corner of your eye and a darker color from the middle of your lid to the outside can help your eyes appear bigger, and further apart. This is great for people who are self conscious about the closeness of their eyes together.
If you wear glasses, learn how to apply eye shadow accordingly. This means that you should keep the drama to a low roar, staying away from dark liners and smoky shadows.
Go through your makeup and toss out old shadows every six months or so. Old shadows don't apply as well as newer ones do.
Learning how to apply eye shadow properly is not always the easiest thing to do, especially for those out there who don't really deal too much with makeup in the first place. If you aren't entirely sure of what you are doing in the first place, try and get in some practice time a few days before the actual event in question takes place, so you can get some advice if need be and take things from there.
Learning to put on eye shadow is not as difficult as it looks, but it does take some time and practice. Getting tips from a professional would be my next recommendation if you are serious about getting spectacular life-changing results. The winks and whistles as you walk down the street is what awaits you. So what are you waiting for? Grab your makeup and get going!